Swiss Medical Staff Learns Self-Defense Because Islam Diversity
How diverse has Switzerland become under the influx of unfriendly muslims? One indicator is that doctors and nurses are learning self-defense to protect themselves from their Islamic patients.
It’s particularly sad that Swiss hospitals have become less safe when the Swiss people have been sensible in rejecting diverse immigration whenever given the chance in national referenda. In 2014, they voted to limit immigration, in 2010 they voted for automatic deportation for foreign criminals, and in 2009, voters approved a measure to ban minarets.
So the Swiss have tried to keep out the Islamic poison, but without total success.
NARRATIVE TEXT: Violence in the A&E [emergency room]Scenes like these are increasingly a daily routine in the Inselspital Hospital of Bern. Attacks on the staff of the A&E are on the rise.
HUZUKI SERAFIN: “Most address the colour of my skin.”
WOLF HAUTZ: “He did not want to be examined, so he spat at me and got physical.”
NARRATIVE TEXT: Police and security staff are increasingly on duty. Especially in the A&E, patients often are under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
ARISTOMENIS EXADAXTYLOS: “We are attacked with mace, choked, beaten, and of course this is — especially for young female nurses — often a quite traumatic experience.”
NARRATIVE TEXT: In training courses, doctors and nurses now learn techniques of self defense. But aggressive patients will also have to fear the legal consequences: Every fifth attack in the Insel A&E leads to a criminal complaint.