Swiss RINO Robs Patriots Of Election Triumph

By Patrick Cleburne



Widmer-Schlumpf: Swiss RINO — or Rat? Going into Sunday’s elections in Switzerland, there was some thought that the Swiss People’s Party (SVP), brilliantly led over the years by patriot millionaire Christoph Blocher, would get more than 30% of the vote — something no party has done since Switzerland adopted its current proportional representation system back in 1919.

In the event, the latest vote projections suggest that the SVP will slip to 25.9% from 28.9% in 2007, while their leading opponent, the Social Democrats will decline to 18.1% from 19.5%. In the American Treason Lobby MSM in particular, this has given rise to raucous cheering as in Swiss Anti-Immigration Party SVP Loses, Ending 20-Year Advance by Jennifer M. Freedman BloombergBusinessweek October 23, 2011 What happened? Simply that a splinter party which detached from the SVP after the last election, the Conservative Democratic Party (BDP) contesting for the first time, got 5.4% of the vote. The unsplit vote of the two would have been 31.3% and the headlines would have been very different (and scarce, given the habits of the MSM).

This split derived from backroom dealings on a par with Rick Perry’s Texas. The Swiss Parliament elects a 7-member Federal Council, in effect the country’s Executive body. After the 2007 election, the other parties managed to bribe an SVP member, one Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf ,to defect after over 13 years in the party in return for a Federal Council seat, thus denying the SVP the two its electoral performance warranted. She then established the BDP.

Swiss politics divide religiously, linguistically and regionally. Judging by the BDP’s wikipedia entry, its support is regional. Perhaps a Swiss reader can amplify?

In any case, the likelihood is, given the party’s origin, that most BDP voters thought the party was the SVP with a different face. However, the party’s platform on immigration (#23) is evasive, calling for

“…clear and enforceable rules. The immigration of skilled workers is economically necessary. Integration is to be actively pursued and demanded.”

Of course, this is to be expected given the party’s actual purpose: the aggrandizement of Widmer-Schlumpf using centrist party parliamentary votes.

There are solid lessons for American patriots here • “Moderates” (RINOs) — and camouflaged Democrats — cannot be trusted. • Sensible citizenship rules work wonders. Switzerland at latest count is up to 22.3% foreign born (America is said to be 13%) but no one is bidding for the immigrant vote: it doesn’t exist.

Switzerland is actually prospering at present (as indeed are most countries which kept their financial sectors under control). The consequent muting of the economic stress and the lack of political threat — as opposed to cultural risk — could be expected to slow advances by patriotic elements.

But Widmer-Schlumpf’s perfidy masks the fact that in Switzerland the advance seems still to be continuing.

Advice to MSM: on Switzerland, hold the Champagne.

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