
Symptom Of Indian CEO Virus: Anti-White Discrimination At IBM

By A.W. Morgan


The attack on free speech isn’t the only danger of the Indian CEO Virus that has infected the tech industry, along with American politics and education. At least one Indian CEO has ordered subordinates to discriminate against white men. James O’Keefe proved that with video that features IBM CEO Arvind Krishna’s threatening subordinates who don’t hire enough women and “people of color.” America First Legal’s letter to Krishna explains that threat, and divulges other illegal activity, in detail.

BREAKING LEAKED VIDEO: CEO of IBM @ArvindKrishna admits to using coercion to fire people and take away their bonuses unless they discriminate in the hiring process.

“You got to move both forward by a percentage that leads to a plus on your bonus," Krishna said about hiring… pic.twitter.com/UUK26HX8IP

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) December 12, 2023

Here’s what Krishna said:

I expect at the executive level, so that is not just my directs, but all executives in the company, have to move forward by 1% on both underrepresented minorities. Let me say it, Asians in the US are not an underrepresented minority in a tech company. However, others are. So we take underrepresented and gender. You’ve got to move both forward by a percentage. That leads to a plus on your bonus. By the way, if you lose, you lose part of your bonus.

In other words, executives are paid not to hire whites.

IBM openly confessed its anti-white bias: AFL attorney Gene Hamilton wrote to Krishna, in its 2022 Annual Report:

Our executive compensation program metrics include a diversity modifier to reinforce our focus and continued accountability for improving the diverse representation of our workforce. Globally, our executives are measured on the improvement of diversity and inclusion for women. In the U.S., executives are also measured on improvement of diversity and inclusion for U.S. underrepresented minorities.

AFL has accused IBM of “unlawful employment practices,” “unlawful contracting practices” and “waste and breach of fiduciary duty.”

Red Hat, an IBM subsidiary, is also discriminating against whites, and has fired executives who “weren’t willing to live up to the [DEI] standards that we set up in this space.”

AFL has filed a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Krisha is an immigrant from West Godavari in Andhra Pradesh, India.

The white men whom IBM has fired for not hiring unqualified minorities or women, and the whites IBM rejected because it hired unqualified minorities and women, can take solace, however. Diversity is our greatest strength.

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