Boehner and Cantor: "But how many Billions have the voters?"
Over at RedState “streiff” wonders Why GOP Leadership Is Going Along With the Syrian Misadventure
Regardless of your feelings on Obama’s harebrained planned for military intervention in Syria, you have to look askance at why John Boehner and Eric Cantor decided to support the authorization to use military force in Syria when 80% (+/-) of Americans oppose the deal…
It is a shame that our House leadership and some otherwise conservative members of Congress are going along with this nonsense. They have the opportunity to make an easy and popular vote while doing the right thing for the right reason. Instead, they have betrayed the trust of the American people
Streiff and his readers offer a number of ideas why– but not the correct one.
The answer is simply another iteration of the fact I noted in Cantor’s Dream Amnesty Betrayal: Did Sheldon Adelson’s $5 Million Play A Role? Already by February Adelson had paid $5 million each into PACS controlled by Boehner and Cantor as discussed in Sheldon Adelson gives $5M to Eric Cantor-backed super PACBy Robin Bravender Politico 7/15/12. Who knows what has changed hands or been promised now?
Not that Adelson is alone as we learn in Adelson New Obama Ally as Jewish Groups Back Syria Strike By Julie Bykowicz & Jonathan D. Salant Bloomberg Sep 4, 2013 which also notes the interesting fact
The pro-Israel community contributed $14.5 million to federal campaigns for the 2012 elections, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. That’s more than the $11.1 million in donations by the defense aerospace industry, one of the biggest and most consistent political contributors.
But give Adelson’s willingness to spend, he might just as well be alone:
In all, Adelson and his wife donated $93 million to Republican causes in the 2012 campaign, center data shows.
Adelson has taken the usual step of directly making his views known:
The Republican Jewish Coalition, which counts Adelson as a board member, yesterday sent an “action alert” to its 45,000 members, directing them to tell Congress to authorize force.
Adelson, a Las Vegas casino owner, supports the coalition’s Syria message, his spokesman Ron Reese said in an e-mail.
This is the first direct comment on American as distinct from Israeli affairs I can remember him making since the December Wall Street Journal advertorials in which he for the first time went public supporting Amnesty.
Q: Why is the GOP leadership defying their base and the country?
A: Because they have ADD — Adelson Dollar Disorder