Tahitians Protest Proposed Mosque In Papeete

By Brenda Walker


Nobody on earth in happy to hear that Muslims are moving into the neighborhood, because Allah-bots don’t get along with locals wherever they go.

When Mohammed’s followers immigrate, they behave more like a low-intensity invasion. They routinely demand assimilation in reverse, that the foundational tribe should embrace Islam, rather than the expected process of newbies accepting the language and values of the host culture. The more Muslims are present, the worse the cultural antagonism and demands for Islamic law. Sharia Zone signs start to appear in Muslim neighborhoods in non-Muslim nations, where drinking a beer might get an outsider severely beaten.

As the former leader of diverse Singapore Lee Kuan Yew declared, “I think we were progressing very nicely until the surge of Islam came … I would say today, we can integrate all religions and races except Islam.”

Tahitians recently took to the streets of Papeete to protest the opening of a mosque. They are comfortable with their culture, and don’t want any hostile foreigners invading the place and telling polynesians how to live, like not to eat pork. The crowd is refreshingly plain-spoken: “No to Islam, no to the imam … Hurray for the pig!”

Plus, the Tahitians are realistic about the source of most terrorism. One demonstrator said, “All hostage-taking situations, all terrorists’ crimes like that are committed 90% by Muslims.”

Thanks to Gates of Vienna for the transcript:

00:00 Good evening, welcome to the premiere in the news…
00:04 Tonight ‘sharia we cannot mess with’, a cry of the heart from
00:08 the anti-mosque protesters was heard loud and clear on the streets of Papeete this morning.
00:12 Many hundreds of Polynesians, ‘not racist but realist’,
00:16 according to their slogan. it’s a first in Polynesia.
00:20 The protest against the opening of a mosque has finally assembled
00:24 400 to 500 persons, despite the long weekend. Far from being
00:28 used to protest marches, the Polynesians brandished signs and decorations
00:32 against the Koran and Islam. (reporters’ names)
00:36 ???
00:40 We want to protect our children against the invasion of this
00:44 religion that comes to kill us. After all, that is what sharia is.
00:48 All hostage-taking situations, all terrorists’
00:52 crimes like that are committed 90% by
00:56 Muslims. It is sufficient to me as an example to be afraid
01:00 of them. A true culture shock: ‘not racist but realist’.
01:04 The protesters screamed ‘no to the mosque’, adding ‘sharia we cannot mess with’.
01:08 A scene we would never have imagined seeing one day in Papeete.
01:12 Would you have ever imagined as a police officer controlling a protest
01:16 like that one in French Polynesia? I imagine nothing; I present the reality.
01:21 Refrains that we do not hum anywhere else.
01:25 ???
01:29 and slogans that are not half measures: no to Islam, no to the imam.
01:33 Yes to pork, yes to the “wahine” or when the Tahitian colours.
01:37 are waving high. Hurray for the pig!
01:41 We are going to eat the pig with the taro!
01:45 Not for them, you are doing everything you can so they
01:49 leave your country? Absolutely, absolutely.
01:53 We do not want them in Polynesia. we have our
01:57 religion. While the police block off the road
02:01 of the Muslim cult in order to avoid any “overflow”, the younger generation lets
02:05 itself go: “we say no to the mosque”,
02:09 “we do not want to wear the veil.”
02:13 Everyone is here. Everyone is singing.
02:17 Its the heart of Polynesia speaking, it’s super!
02:21 The protesters received much support during their passage through the capital,
02:25 while they were reminding of their attachment to the Bible. After 3 km of walking,
02:29 the anti-mosque demo arrived in front of the gates of the assembly.
02:33 They placed signs
02:37 as funeral flowers as if to say farewell to the Koran,
02:42 and to the mosque.

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