TB Back In Kansas, Fox News NOT Asking Why

James Fulford


TB, for years almost unknown in America, is back at school in Olathe, Kansas:

27 students at Olathe Northwest High School test positive for TB

by fox4kc.com March 18, 2015

Courtesy: Walter Dawn and Barts Hospital. These are generic xrays of a person with moderately advanced TB

Courtesy: Walter Dawn and Barts Hospital. These are generic xrays of a person with moderately advanced TB

OLATHE, Kan. — 27 students at Olathe Northwest High School have tested positive for TB.

Those who tested positive for TB are not contagious, do not feel sick and do not have TB symptoms, according to a press release from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

315 students began being tested after a student at Olathe Northwest High School was diagnosed with active tuberculosis.

According to the press release, health officials began calling those with a positive TB test on Monday. Letters were mailed home to those who tested negative.

“The number of individuals with TB infection does not exceed what we would anticipate in this setting,” Lougene Marsh, director of the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment, said in the press release. “Of course, we had hoped we wouldn’t find any additional TB cases, but we knew this was a possibility. That’s why we took such thorough steps to test everyone who might have been in close contact with the first confirmed case of TB disease.” [More]

The school is 77 percent white, 10 percent Hispanic, and has a reputation for being somewhat privileged or even snobby, according to GreatSchools commenters.

We don’t know, because neither Fox News nor the Johnson County Health Department is saying, whether the active case, or the students infected by the active are Hispanic, from Mexico or Central America, or came in in the recent border surge.

It’s the kind of thing you'd expect a conservative, anti-Obama news organization to ask, but apparently, according to David Axelrod, they've been asked not to keep "stoking the nativism" that might stand in the way of Amnesty.

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