Tea Party Haters Threaten To Emigrate — To Largely White Foreign Cities

James Fulford


Over at Gawker, some of their hipsters are thinking of leaving the country if there’s a major Republican/Tea Party Victory:

Five Foreign Cities to Move to When the Tea Party Takes Over America

For liberals, tomorrow’s midterm elections could be a bloodbath. Rand Paul, Christine O'Donnell, Carl Paladino: These are people who could soon rule America! If they do get elected, where can you go? What foreign cities will be your refuge?

Obviously, this is the mournful joke people make every election. "I can’t live here anymore. I’m moving to Canada! I’m going to Paris! Forget this rotten old place." It is, yes, mostly a not-serious lament. But now, if crazy tea-nutters like Nevada’s rape-lemonade connoisseur Sharron Angle win, after only two years of Democrat rule, it might mean that things really are pretty hopeless here. (And can you imagine all the smug braying from the loony right? Horror.) So maybe it’s time to "man up," as it were, and actually follow through on not lovin' it, and therefore leavin' it. But where should you go? Here are some ideas."[More]

Kathy Shaidle will be so happy to hear that these people are moving to her city.

Oddly enough, most of these cities are, in spite of mass immigration, whiter than the equivalent cities in the US. The hip Gawkers, (or gawking hipsters) either don’t recognize this, or think it’s a downside, saying of Stockholm:

Other than being one of the industrially cleanest cities in the world, the capital city is also cultured and educated, most people speak English, and if you like tall, blonde Nordic types, you're in business. Cons: If you don’t like tall, blonde, Nordic types, you're in less business. While Stockholm does have immigrants from all over, most recently many from Iraq, Somalia, and China, the small country is still a bit homogeneous, demographically. Tax-heavy, expensive Sweden is also moving into a more American style of limited-ish federal government, privatizing many formerly state-owned business to stave off economic woes. It ain’t the perfect utopia some make it out to be, in other words.

However, their Utopian desires overlook one thing — these other countries have immigration laws, and they may not want disaffected American liberals afraid of the Tea Party.

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