Ted Cruz Puts A Left Wing Journofa Activist In His Place
Because I am visiting relatives, I had the pleasure of briefly being subject to PBS’s nightly news. Thank God, it didn’t last. Talk about a propaganda outfit.
One of the commentators was saying that the crisis at our southern border is the result of our not having passed “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” and the House of Representatives having killed the “Gang of Eight” bill. Basically, he was advocating that we pass amnesty now.
So, not only would we have an open southern border, but we would hand out amnesty on top of it. You have to admire the Democrats. Whether they are winning or losing, they always go on the offensive and try to get more.
In the video below, Ted Cruz goes off on a left-wing activist (aka journalist) when the activist questions what Ted Cruz has done to secure the border: after all, he didn’t support the latest amnesty attempt.
The liberal argument has been that the system is broken and the only solution is to give in to their demands for more immigration. Of course the system is broken, THEY BROKE IT! Now, the same people who broke the system are demanding that we give in to their policies. Do you trust the people who intentionally broke the system to fix it?
As Ted Cruz rightly points out, by the end of the Trump administration, the border had been brought under control. So, the system was no longer broken, it had been fixed. Then, Biden came into office and undid all the steps taken to enforce the border with the exception of Title 42. Why didn’t they repeal Title 42? Because Biden and company were still trying to exploit the pandemic for political gain, and Title 42 allowed the president to kick people out based on health. However, Title 42 was full of loopholes exempting many countries from participating, still allowing in “unaccompanied minors” (who are often actually accompanied) and devoid of punishment beyond sending illegals back to Mexico to try again the next day. So, COVID-positive illegal aliens were still allowed into the United States, which I believe proves the Democrats never actually thought the pandemic was that bad. At a 1% mortality rate, it was hardly the Black Plague.
As a parting question, the left-wing activist (reporter) yells, “The El Paso shooter called it an invasion … “ I know where this argument is going because I’ve heard it before from a left-wing Border Patrol Agent (Hispanic) who wanted points for being a victim. The 2019 shooting at an El Paso mall done by a nut job was wonderful for left-wing activists. Because a criminal called it an invasion, which it clearly is, they then try to say that anyone else calling it an invasion is a supporter of criminal acts like shooting innocent civilians. (See Ann Coulter: It’s An Invasion! … Of Moronic Arguments.) Just because someone said it’s an invasion with a gun in his hand does not make it any less true than saying it without a gun in his hand. If I shoot a firearm while screaming that the sky is blue, the next guy coming along saying the sky is blue does not make a false statement. But the left is trying to appeal to hearts, not logic. They want people to think of a dangerous terrorist when they hear “invasion”. They don’t want people to actually watch the reporting from Fox News, Breitbart or the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) showing the actual invasion.
The left loves playing the victim. Just because you are a victim, does not make you good. Facts are facts and do not change based on your perceived holier-than-thou moral righteousness. A murderer who gets sent to prison where he is knifed by another inmate does not suddenly ascend to the right hand of God based on being a victim.
P.S. At the press conference you will also notice Border Patrol Union President Brandon Judd. Some Agents used to be resentful of him since he hasn’t worked out in the field in years. Judd does seem to remember his training, though, and instead of facing the camera, you notice he turns to face towards where the threat is coming from — the crowd of media.