
Terrorist Judge Threatens ICE Agents, Tells Courts To Resist Arrests With Force



Earlier: Are California Courts Trying To Start A Civil War?

Advocates for nation busting don’t like it that illegal aliens are being arrested. They like it even less that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is arresting illegal aliens in local courthouses. Local and State judges are at the center of this illegal resistance to Federal law enforcement officers executing their duties. As I said before, this is beyond mere political disagreement on the issue of immigration and immigration law enforcement. Instead, this issue has gone well past mere political conflict.

It has become another area of the nascent terrorism of the Democrat Party and its minions. The armed resistance to authority by Democrats has been limited historically to the Black Panthers, Students For a Democratic Society (SDS), and, more recently, to Antifa. However, open politically motivated violence, terrorism, is now the default position of the Democrat Party, legal organizations, unions, illegal aliens, and now the legal establishment. No longer just the Treason Bar, it is now the Terrorist Bar.

The Inauguration Day riots were the Fort Sumter to Civil War II. Violence is now the default of politics, but only one side is fighting. And the Terrorist Bar is now at the forefront of protecting illegal aliens with violence. This could have been prevented if Jeff Sessions had prosecuted lawyers and judges involved in aiding illegal aliens to escape arrest in courthouses, but now the piper must be paid because Sessions refused to act. But no action was taken, and now we have a retired judge and Chancellor of the Philadelphia Bar Association, A. Michael Snyder, contact him here and at (215) 238-6300, calling for physical attacks on ICE agents making arrests of illegal aliens.

Terrorist A. Michael Snyder

The head of the Philadelphia Bar Association on Monday compared ICE to a “police state” and called on lawyers, judges and other courthouse personnel to resist the agency when its officers attempt to make arrests at city courthouses.

Bar Chancellor A. Michael Snyder, a retired judge, asserted that the arrests violate illegal immigrants’ due process rights and go against U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s own internal rules.

He said they were “aided and abetted” by courthouse staff who stood by and didn’t intervene.

“Such actions are hauntingly reminiscent of those of a police state, calling to mind the actions of a secret or state police,” Mr. Snyder said. “We call upon law enforcement agencies, local governments, and court administration to prevent the access of ICE agents into courthouses, and to act to protect the rights of individuals lawfully within those facilities from harassment or arrest by ICE agents, whether uniformed or not.”

[Philadelphia Bar Association Tells Lawyers, Judges To Resist ICE Arrests, by Stephen Dinan, Washington Times, February 9, 2020]

The "law enforcement agencies" and "court administration" he’s calling on to "prevent access" by Federal officers are armed with guns. Normal judges have them arrest criminals, or people found in contempt of court. Snyder wants them to "resist " ICE officers — also armed — making lawful arrests of illegal aliens.

Stunning that an attorney, much less a former judge, would claim that ICE officers, or any other Federal agent, cannot arrest an illegal alien. Federal law is quite clear on the subject that any immigration officer can effect an arrest of an alien. No warrant is required, because the illegal is actually in violation of the law at the time he is arrested, just as if he were being arrested during an armed robbery in progress.

(2) to arrest any alien who in his presence or view is entering or attempting to enter the United States in violation of any law or regulation made in pursuance of law regulating the admission, exclusion, expulsion, or removal of aliens, or to arrest any alien in the United States, if he has reason to believe that the alien so arrested is in the United States in violation of any such law or regulation and is likely to escape before a warrant can be obtained for his arrest, but the alien arrested shall be taken without unnecessary delay for examination before an officer of the Service having authority to examine aliens as to their right to enter or remain in the United States;

[Title 8 United States Code, Section 1357, Powers of Immigration Officers, Legal Information Institute, undated]

Nor is there any policy that says courthouses are off-limits to arrests by ICE officers. Snyder is just making things up to justify his advocacy for terrorism against ICE officers. The attempt by the Obama Regime to make courthouses off-limits was never implemented and the Trump Administration has stated explicitly that courthouses are in play.

The Trump Administration should immediately arrest Snyder and prosecute him for terrorist threats and obstructing a Federal official, Title 18 USC 1505, Obstructing A Proceeding. An example needs to be made before this gets out of hand, which it is closely approaching.

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