In May last year I wrote What Search Engine Shadow Banning Looks Like — And How MSM Hacks Make It Worse.
Recently I did a test of this on Amren.com.
This past Sunday’s classic at American Renaissance was a review by Jared Taylor of Carol Swain’s 2002 book The New White Nationalism in America:
The URL ends in "carol-swain-new-white-nationalism-in-america/" — just the book title and the author. Out of curiosity, I tried searching <<new white nationalism swain>> on three different search engines to see how it ranked.
On DuckDuckGo, Jared Taylor’s review sits at the bottom of the first page.
On Bing, it’s actually third from the top if you don’t count the ads.
On Google, I gave up after not finding it by page eight.
It’s a pity that Google has a lock on at least 90 percent of the search engine market share …