Texas Tea Party Denounces Perry Sanctuary City Double-Cross
Tea Party Caucus of Texas October 13th Press Conference
On Thursday the Tea Party Caucus of Texas held a press conference denouncing Governor Perry’s evasion of his undertakings on the question of “Sanctuary City” legislation.
It will be recalled the Texas GOP swept the 2010 legislature elections, getting majorities so huge that Hispanic Democrats started switching sides to get their snouts in the trough.
Many GOP candidates had campaigned on tightening up immigration enforcement. The Texas House passed a bill making “Sanctuary” Cities illegal in the regular session. Perry then called a special session, designating this legislation as urgently requiring action, and the Senate passed the bill.
I laid out what happened then in Texan Plutocrats Nullify State Election, Protect Sanctuary Cities: Where Was Governor Perry? . The legislature adjourned without completing the process.
JoAnn Fleming, Tea Party Caucus Chairman, correctly said (0:57)at the press conference:
“…the Buck stops with Governor Perry.”
It is still entirely within his power to correct this situation — if he was sincere about the dealing with issue.
These Tea Party Caucus of Texas people know their stuff. Katrina Pearson was exactly right to say (1-39)
“The harsh reality is, illegal immigration is the dark cloud looming over all of our deficits in our States.”
Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich has repeatedly documented this for his county, for instance here.
According to Ken Emanuelson of the Grassroots Texas Network (0-17) Perry has not responded at all to the Tea Party’s protests — although JoAnn Fleming reports he met with them earlier in the summer.
Why should the American electorate as a whole expect any different treatment? Who do they think they are? Lobbyists?