Thanks, Obama: Gun Murders of Cops Up 56% in 2016

Steve Sailer


From the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund:

Preliminary 2016 Law Enforcement Officer Fatalities Report

Law enforcement fatalities nationwide rose to their highest level in five years in 2016, with 135 officers killed in the line of duty, according to preliminary data compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF).

The 135 officer fatalities in 2016 is a 10 percent increase over the 123 who died in the line of duty last year and is the highest total since 2011, when 177 officers made the ultimate sacrifice.

Firearms-related incidents were the number one cause of death in 2016, with 64 officers shot and killed across the country. This represents a significant spike — 56 percent — over the 41 officers killed by gunfire in 2015.

Of the 64 shooting deaths of officers this year, 21 were the result of ambush style attacks — the highest total in more than two decades. Eight multiple shooting death incidents claimed the lives of 20 officers in 2016, tied with 1971 for the highest total of any year since 1932.

It’s almost as if Obama made it so that his last year in office resembled his mentor Bill Ayers’ heyday.
Those incidents included five officers killed in ambush attacks in Dallas (TX) and three in Baton Rouge (LA), spanning 10 days in July.
Those terrorist attacks, and several other shootings by blacks of whites, had immediately followed Obama’s social media driven denunciation of America’s racist system of justice. From The New York Times on July 8, 2016:
As Air Force One headed for Europe on Thursday afternoon, President Obama holed up in the plane’s office editing a Facebook post meant to express his anguish at two deadly shootings by police officers. Given what had happened, he told his aides, he didn’t think it was enough. …

In that time, Mr. Obama delivered a trans-Atlantic call for racial justice after the gruesome deaths of two black men at the hands of the police, only to face the same television cameras hours later to denounce the killings of five officers by a black sniper.

… As someone who knows well the persuasive power of speech, Mr. Obama has sought to use the authority of his office to amplify and support the emerging Black Lives Matter movement while striving not to become an unwitting megaphone for anti-police sentiment that has at times fueled violent protests and police shootings.

… Four hours into the flight to his first stop, Warsaw, the president stopped his press secretary, Josh Earnest, in a plane corridor.

He had decided to make a statement himself as soon as they landed, and had told his aides to collect statistics demonstrating racial bias in the criminal justice system.

In other news, from Business Insider:
Barack and Michelle Obama are getting a record-setting book deal worth at least $60 million
How much of the Obamas’ upcoming $60 mil payoff from corporate media for upholding the interests of the ruling class for eight years should go to the survivors of the eight police officers murdered in response to Obama’s tendentious misuse of statistics to support his racial prejudice to stoke racial hatred toward whites among blacks?

Any plaintiff’s attorneys out there?

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