Thanks To Sens. Herb Kohl And Russ Feingold, American Workers Never Had It So Good
Anybody who says these two long-serving Wisconsin Democrats don’t care about American workers just isn’t paying attention.
Why, during one week alone Kohl and Feingold were praised for their stand-up support for the working community by Working Mother magazine and Corporate Voices for American Families (CVAF) and the AFL-CIO, respectively.
Here’s how Kohl, who loves to remind Wisconsinites that he’s "nobody’s senator but yours," reacted to his award for "leadership in the Senate":
It’s an enormous challenge to balance jobs and families, from growing kids to aging parents, and to manage a household budget when the costs of living keep rising. It’s a privilege to serve in the Senate where I’m able to work to shape policies that can strengthen families, and I’m grateful for this recognition.
That’s our Herb, always stepping up when it counts.
Let’s listen, shall we, to Donna Klein, CVAF’s founder and president, put Herb’s efforts in the proper light:
”The recipients of the Best of Congress award serve as models for what can be accomplished through legislation and a personal commitment to policies that benefit working families. As our nation wrestles with a host of economic and other issues involving working families (italics mine), these members of Congress deserve to be congratulated and recognized nationally for their leadership and support.”
Amen to that!
And never you mind that during its annual convention eight years ago in New Orleans, the AFL-CIO dropped its long-standing restriction against companies hiring illegals. That didn’t stop Russ Feingold from showing he stands shoulder to shoulder with those the late Chicago columnist Mike Royko admired for their "lunch pail" qualities:
"I've held over a thousand listening sessions — I held one this morning in Kenosha — and you can probably guess the questions I've heard over and over again in every corner of the state. How will I keep my job? How will I keep my house? Why can’t I afford to fill my gas tank or keep my health insurance anymore."
Wait, there’s more from the man who is honorary chairman of the Progressive Patriots Fund:
I keep hearing these concerns everywhere I go. It’s more important than ever that Congress be proactive in taking care of the working men and women who are the heart and soul of the economy.
Memo to Russ and Herb: Don’t pay any attention to those mean-spirited folks at Americans for Better Immigration!