Thanksgiving Is Now About Somali "Pilgrims"
It’s time for Americans' annual dose of Thanksgiving Diversity! Yes, the various polygamists, slave-holders and honor killers are really happy to be in the United States and partake of our wonderful welfare benefits, er freedoms.
"Some of Ali’s family are in Boise. Left in Somalia are a sister, some brothers and three of his father’s four wives. Those here are all working and receive no government assistance. By sharing bedrooms and pooling their money, they are living better than they ever dreamed was possible.
The chaotic and violent East African country of Somalia has no official government, but it has some big-time pirates. Their latest acquisition on the high seas, just last week, was a Saudi oil tanker the size of three aircraft carriers."
[Thankful for Thanksgiving Without Pirates, New West News, By Jill Kuraitis, November 25, 2008]
These days, no American holiday celebration is complete without major fawning about diversity. Thanksgiving comes in for particular abuse by the multiculturalists, who think it is a perfect vehicle for promoting their agenda of cultural relativism.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution is quite the busybody in this regard, and has created America’s Table complete with a downloadable booklet (A Thanksgiving Reader) full of happy Hutus, Tutsis and other diverse immigrants. Everything is sweetness and light, except for the skunk at the garden party — citizens who like traditional American values and may believe we have had enough immigration for the time being. (As of March 2005, America was home to more than 35 million foreign-born persons, the highest number ever recorded.)
As head of the New York Immigration Coalition,[Chung-Wha] Hong now helps immigrants of all backgrounds cope with what she describes as a convergence of issues facing new arrivals, including: poverty, lack of English language skills, and limited access to government services. These challenges, says Hong, are compounded by anti-immigrant sentiment.
"Part of my job is to challenge people that this is not what this country is about, to tap into people’s better instincts of generosity and justice."