The 2009 iSteve Panhandling Drive

Steve Sailer


I was looking at my bank account, and I was vigorously reminded that I haven’t run a fundraising drive since the stock market crash of 2008. I usually run two panhandling efforts per year, but my last full-bore one started September 11, 2008, when the transmission went out on my '98 Accord. The fundraiser was going great guns until Lehman Bros. went belly up four days later, at which point we all started stocking up on canned goods. Donations, unsurprisingly, dried up.

Well, 1,067 blog postings later, I’m back with my hand out.

It hasn’t been a great 14 months for the nation, but I think it’s been a pretty good period here, in a Robert Conquest kind of way. Despite all the newfangled alternatives to reading blogs, such as MyFace (or whatever the kids call it), readership here is higher than ever, currently at 7,997 unique visits per day and 12,224 pages read daily.

Between blogging,, Taki’s Magazine, The American Conservative, and (by the way, did I ever mention it?) writing a book, that must add up to about a half million words since the last time I passed the hat.

Your generosity makes it possible for me to make a living writing whatever I think is right.

There are, at the moment, three ways to give me money.

You can make tax deductible credit card contributions to me here; or fax credit card details here (please put "Steve Sailer Project" on the fax); or you can snail mail checks made out to "VDARE Foundation" and marked on the memo line (lower left corner) “Steve Sailer” to:

VDARE Foundation P.O. Box 211 Litchfield, CT 06759

Second: You can send me an email and I'll send you my P.O. Box address.

Third: You can use Paypal to send me money directly, either by just using any credit card or if you have a specific Paypal account.[More]

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