
The ATLANTIC MONTHLY Is All Over World War Hair

Steve Sailer


When Oliver Wendell Holmes, James Russell Lowell, and William Dean Howells founded the Atlantic Monthly in 1857, their highest priority was round-the-clock coverage of World War Hair. Jeffrey Goldberg’s Atlantic proudly carries on this tradition by posting random nonsense about black women’s hair.

"[Sha’Carri] Richardson’s hair speaks to the complexity of her journey, signaling joy, imagination, defiance, authenticity, and excellence — sometimes all at once," @jemelehill writes: https://t.co/FGopiR8Wbv

— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) October 2, 2023

These days, most world-class athletes are fanatics about conditioning, which means they don’t do much of interest other than compete and practice to compete. E.g., Shohei Ohtani barely does anything during the six-month-long baseball season other than play baseball, travel, work out, sleep, and eat room service (his first visit to a restaurant since spring training was during the All-Star Break).

Sha’Carri Richardson, however, is a lady 100 meter sprinter. Like all 100m runners, she has to work out less per week than just about any other famous athlete. It’s fun that 100m runners have a lot of time on their hands to have a life. Here’s a Usain Bolt beer commercial making fun of other athletes’ fanaticism:

Lady sprinters like Flo-Jo, Gail Devers, and Richardson tend to use their ample spare time on self-decoration: hair, jewelry, and nails. There’s something of a handicap principle involved of trying to intimidate the other sprinters at the starting line: I can haul all this gold and weave down the lane and still beat you.

But, also, they like dressing up (or down, depending upon how you look at it).

[Comment at Unz.com]

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