
The ATLANTIC Sniffs Out an "Ominous" Trend: The Supreme Court Might Believe "The Majority Have Constitutional Rights"

Steve Sailer


The Atlantic sniffs for signs of the emergence of a self-evidently “ominous” possible trend that’s utterly un-American:

The Supreme Court Is Looking Out for the Rights of the Majority

In the last term, conservative justices moved to protect wealthy donors and Christians, while looking skeptically on claims for minorities.

GARRETT EPPS SEP 26 2014, 8:00 AM ET

… I think that, last term, we got a glimpse of some interesting new ideas dancing around in the mind of the five conservative justices.

Of those ideas, possibly the most ominous is the court’s evolving idea of the role of “the majority” under the Constitution. Does the majority have constitutional rights? And if so, who is the majority anyway?

If Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, TR, and FDR were alive today to hear that some members of the Supreme Court might secretly believe “the majority have constitutional rights,” they’d be spinning in their graves.

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