The Battle of Franklin — 21st Century version.

Patrick Cleburne


I have a sentimental attachment to Williamson County, Tennessee. It was the site of the ghastly Battle of Franklin, where my namesake, Patrick Cleburne, laid down his life for the freedom of his adopted country — along with five other brother Confederate generals.

So it is pleasant to learn that the land still has defenders. The Sheriff has joined the movement amongst Tennessee jurisdictions to equip themselves to deport illegal immigrants:

(Williamson sheriff wants officers trained to deport illegal immigrants By MITCHELL KLINE The Tennessean July 19 2007)

There is a pressing need:

Sheriff Ricky Headley…said that since January, 36 percent of all people arrested in Williamson County were not legal U.S. residents … 50 percent of those people were arrested for not having a driver license. Approximately 15 inmates a month who come into the Williamson County jail are sent to a federal immigration court in Memphis, according to Headley. He said jail officials often wait weeks to hear back from federal agents on the immigration status of inmates.

This is a county which is said to have been only 2.5% Hispanic in the 2000 Census!

With Congress deadlocked, more men like Ricky Headley are needed. Congratulate him.

(Dismal postscript: Today’s Tennessean reports the sentencing of the DUI illegal immigrant killer of the local mandolin maker mentioned by Brenda Walker here and last night:

Mandolin maker’s killer had been deported 14 times By Sheila Burke The Tennessean July 20 2007

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