The Big Unsort: Bradbury, California, Richest Municipality In America?

Steve Sailer


Looking around for the richest municipality in America, I stumbled upon one candidate: the tiny town of Bradbury, CA, which sounds like it ought to have its own soap opera: "Dallas" as directed by David Lynch.

Bradbury, population 1000+ is mostly two gated communities in Southern California’s San Gabriel Valley, in the foothills beneath Mount Baldy.

Bill Bishop’s 2008 book The Big Sort documented the trend that Americans are sorting themselves out geographically by social class. But Bradbury seems to consist of people who are filthy rich (one Bradbury home is on sale for $79 million), like riding horses, and haven’t been rubbed smooth by modern America’s class-formation process: drag racers, televangelists, civil rights entrepreneurs, hamburger heiresses, Saudi princes, Dominican sluggers of uncertain age, racehorse trainers, Chinese exiles, jockeys, Caltech geniuses, and faith healers.

Here’s an augmented version of Wikipedia’s list of prominent Bradburyians:

Stan Williams is the winner of the 2000 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology. I think Richard Feynman would have liked this place.

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