
The Biggest Conspiracy Theory: 33% Blame Riots On Right-Wing Outside Agitators

Steve Sailer


Earlier: Tale Of Two Conspiracy Theories: QAnon Is Harmless, “White Privilege” Provokes Riots. Guess Which One GOP Leadership Denounces?

The prestige press is in a tizzy over the Qanon menace, but never mentions a far more widespread conspiracy theory: that the George Floyd Memorial Riots are due to right-wing Outside Agitators. From a Fox poll released on September 13:

Per the latest Fox poll, (taken before the attempted assassination of 2 Sheriff Deputies) a plurality of voters now classify what’s been happening in Kenosha/Portland etc. as riots & blame the far left for the violence. People no longer buying the media’s lies about BLM/Antifa.

Wow, 33% believe the crazy conspiracy theory that right wing radicals are more to blame for the George Floyd Memorial riots. That is dismaying.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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