The Birth Of Prudence Review — And Response By Author Ryan Andrews

James Kirkpatrick


James J. O'Meara has a review of The Birth of Prudence by Ryan Andrews at Counter-Currents publishing.The Birth of Prudence

Author Ryan Andrews responds at Radix here. Andrews makes the case that his book is really a tragedy and that the real tragic hero is actually Prudence, not Mark.

Given the ideological place from which the book was written, and from which most of the readers come, as well as the framing of the novel’s conflict, I can understand how this might be overlooked. Mark is the white guy. Superficially, he is the actor, while she is acted upon. In the end, the “choice” is in his hands, but she chose him. And the facts on which she based her choice were exactly right, yet she was still somehow wrong.

You can read my own take on The Birth of Prudence here. And most importantly, buy the book (and help support a first time author) here.

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