The BLM Dealt With Cliven Bundy With SWAT Teams, And Mexican Drug Smugglers By Posting A Sign

James Fulford


Here’s a picture of police belonging to the Bureau Of Land Management reacting to a patriotic rancher with his cattle on Federal land:

Here’s a picture of police belonging to the Bureau Of Land Management reacting to a patriotic rancher with his cattle on Federa

Obviously, they're taking this seriously. That’s from 2014, but here, from 2010, is the BLM’s reaction to a Mexican invasion, featuring either parades of illegals, some of them armed, or drug smugglers traveling at high speed, all of them armed — they posted a sign.

 “Danger Public Warning, travel not recommended active human and drug smuggling area, visitors may encounter armed criminals and smuggling vehicles traveling at high rates of speed. Stay away from trash, clothing, backpacks and abandoned vehicles. If you see suspicious activity, do not confront (underlined) move away and call 911. The BLM encourages visitors to use public lands north of Interstate 8.

[Signs in Arizona warn of smuggler dangers, By Jerry Seper and Matthew Cella, Washington Times, September 2, 2010]

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