The Brexit Vote: Nationalism v. Globalism
In last Friday’s Radio Derb I passed comment on the Brexit campaign — the upcoming referendum on whether Britain should stay in the European Union.
I noted how freely Remain propagandists have been using CultMarx cuss-words — "nativist," "xenophobic," "racist," and the rest — against Leavers like UKIP leader Nigel Farage. I added:
The brumous British air is thick with Hitler comparisons; although I imagine the oldest generation of Britons, the ones who actually fought and suffered to defeat Hitler, are solid for leaving.
Sure enough, here is a story from today’s MailOnline.
A grieving family last night revealed how their war hero father’s last words before he died were "post my Leave vote."Able Seaman Leonard Moore, who was a submariner during the Second World War, marked a cross in the Leave the European Union box just before being taken into hospital.
His family last night said it was his final act before he died because he loved Britain.
They said he "fought for this country until the end." [Grieving family reveal war veteran’s dying wish was for them to post his Leave vote because "he was fighting for this country until the end" by Larisa Brown and Daniel Martin; MailOnline, June 20 2016.]
From what I know of that generation of Brits — the generation of my own parents — I'd guess that AB Moore’s feelings are very widespread among them. MailOnline turns up some supporting examples:
Flying officer Bryan Neely, 92, said: "We want our country back again. We might be old codgers and beyond our sell by dates but we’ve still got brains and we should be allowed to speak for our country. It is a dictatorship by stealth."
It seems to me atrocious that people like this are being jeered at as "Nazis" by twentysomething metrosexual types who'd freeze in terror at the sound of a doodlebug.
There’s a quip you hear in Dissident Right circles: "Your grandfather fought to defeat the Nazis so that you could grow up to be called a Nazi for believing everything your grandfather believed."
The Brexit vote on Thursday is the first electoral test of the biggest political issue in our time: nationalism v. globalism.
Are we to go on living in nation-states, under laws and customs suited to our peoples and their histories, with secure borders and a sensible concern for demographic stability; or are we to become a uniform global peasantry herded and taxed by cosmopolitan elites?
Polling on Thursday’s referendum is currently too close to call.