"The Cat In The Racist Hat" And Building A Society That’s "Too Stupid To Survive"

Paul Nachman


Two days ago, in an article about yet another clutch of hyperventilating ninnies who've attracted national attention, VDARE.com’s Allan Wall wrote plaintively:

[I]s it so bad “black meals” were served? Isn’t it an attempt to honor their culture? I guess you just can’t win. [Memo From Middle America: CottonGate — Southern Christian University President, Certified Diversitarian, Grovels Over Centerpiece, “Black Meals,” Etc., September 28, 2017]

Of course we can’t win! We're apparently fated to ride this metastasizing idiocy all the way to civilizational collapse. As Mark Steyn just said, "[W]e are making ourselves a society too stupid to survive." [The Cat in the Racist Hat, Steyn Online, September 29, 2017]

The "logic" behind it all is illustrated in the following Microaggressions Flowchart (hat tip to Tim Murray):

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