The Dam Breaks On MLK’s True Character

Patrick Cleburne


The Martin Luther King Monument. See Glenn Beck, Martin Luther King, And The Massive Chinese Monument

Last month our Talk Radio Listener contributed A Talk Radio Listener Wants Trump To Release Sealed MLK Records As Well As JFK Archives and now through a mechanism I personally do not quite understand it is happening. ZeroHedge reported yesterday "Orgies, Affairs, Sex Shows": Secret FBI Analysis Of MLK Jr. Exposed In Latest Release Of JFK Files

.. The National Archives and Records Administration on Friday afternoon released hundreds more documents related to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.

The documents can be found here

However, perhaps the most interesting document released was a March 12th, 1968 FBI analysis of Martin Luther King Jr — just 3 weeks before he was assassinated — portraying the civil rights leader in a negative light.

The report on which ZeroHedge leans is JFK files: FBI documents allege Martin Luther King Jr. had secret lovechild, orgies by Donovan Harrell The Sacramento Bee November 03 2017.

Importantly, this was picked up by the Drudge Report with the cheerful headline JFK FILES: FBI ALLEGES MLK HAD SECRET AFFAIRS, ORGIES, LOVECHILD

Generally speaking, after the huge destruction of public moral standards wrought by the Left’s defense of President Clinton, a politician might possibly survive facts like these, especially if a Democrat.

But Martin Luther King is not a politician. He is a Saint.

Those who frequent the Right Blogosphere often have no comprehension how thoroughly the Millennials and Generation Z have been brainwashed about MLK. Even though this information has been around for years, they are usually totally ignorant.

I refer everyone to the comprehensively linked “Time To Rethink Martin Luther King Day”–The 2017 Edition and our Martin Luther King archive.

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