
The DEA And ICE Protect Women

Hubert Collins


I have never understood why feminism does not have a larger “law and order” plank in its platform. Women are assaulted, sexually and otherwise, by men in large numbers. The solution to this problem is larger and more vigorous law enforcement agencies. This month has been a fine example of this on the part of the Drug Enforcement Agency and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

On October 18th, ICE announced that it apprehended Alfredo Carreon-Lopez, a Mexican illegal immigrant. Carreon-Lopez had been at large after Maryland issued an arrest warrant against him for “first-degree rape, second-degree rape, sexual abuse of a minor, first and second-degree assault, and multiple additional sexual offense charges.” He will now go to court to face these charges.

That same day, ICE announced their apprehension of Jose Melchor Martinez, another Mexican illegal immigrant. In 2002, Martinez had been convicted “of taking indecent liberties with a child,” and was deported back to Mexico shortly thereafter. Our border being ineffectively guarded, Martinez then snuck back into the country and earned himself a DUI. That arrest led to ICE learning of his return, and subsequently apprehending him again. He is now in custody awaiting trial.

One ICE employee commented on the ordeal this way:

“This case is an excellent example of ICE’s ongoing focus to prioritize its immigration enforcement efforts toward unlawfully present foreign nationals who pose a threat to public safety. Despite attempts by some to confuse the public, ICE does not conduct any type of random or indiscriminate enforcement and the agency’s targeted enforcement efforts make communities safer for all persons whatever their immigration status may be.”

On October 16th, Constantino Perales, a legal immigrant from Mexico, was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison. His crime?

“ … from 2011 to 2013 he illegally dispensed opioids and other controlled substances to three opioid-dependent patients in exchange for sex. Dr. Perales required the individuals to have sex with him in order to continue receiving the medications … Dr. Perales knew the patients were addicted to the pills, yet he dispensed them without performing a medical examination or ordering any diagnostic tests to manage their conditions.”

It was the DEA that had investigated this matter, and ultimately arrested him.

In another case the DEA brought to trial, a black gangbanger named Khalil Stafford has been indicted on the charge of “murder in aid of racketeering,” among others. Stafford and his fellow gangsters had been involved in selling heroin by the kilo in New Jersey since at least 2003. In 2010, Stafford and his friends got into a dispute with drug users they claimed owed them money. Shots were fired, and the only person killed was a female bystander uninvolved in the dispute. Stafford is now facing life in prison.

In light of these actions, and countless more like them, I trust feminist support of the DEA and ICE is just around the corner.

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