The Debate On Twitter — Trump Won With Issues, As Suggested

James Fulford


Ann Coulter said after the last debate that "Trump wins whenever he talks about issues; he loses whenever he talks about himself." said after the VP debate: Why Pence Prevailed–The FUNDAMENTAL STRENGTH Of Trump’s Positions On Immigration And Law And Order.

This time Trump talked about the issues, and prevailed. Below, some of’s tweets from the debate:

The Donald and Hillary avoid shaking hands as debate kicks off. #debate

— VDARE (@vdare) October 10, 2016

Trump was asked to apologize to the hateful Khizr Khan, who called him names and shook a Constitution at him:

Kahn said the Constitution requires Muslim immigration and prohibits a wall — a total fantasy. He should be the one apologizing. #debate

— VDARE (@vdare) October 10, 2016

Hillary actually said "celebrate diversity"

When HRC says "celebrate diversity" she really means Amnesty and hemispheric open borders. #debate

— VDARE (@vdare) October 10, 2016

Easiest way to decrease Islamophobia is to decrease Americans’ interactions with Muslims. #Debates

— VDARE (@vdare) October 10, 2016

Oh look — Hillary claiming she wants to talk about the issues again! HOW ABOUT YOUR SUPPORT FOR "OPEN BORDERS," HILLARY?

— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) October 10, 2016

Here’s an issue Hillary is interested in, but like all issues, it has a major immigration dimension:

What proportion of those "20million uninsured" are immigrants? If memory serves it was 40% #Debate

— VDARE (@vdare) October 10, 2016

"Are we going to have a religious test as soon as they fly in to our country?" NO YOUR MORON, BEFORE THEY FLY HERE THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT.

— VDARE (@vdare) October 10, 2016

Jeb was asked to take position on W & the war. Trump should ask Hillary, "Do you think your husband’s deviance made him a bad President?"

— VDARE (@vdare) October 10, 2016

They also talked about refugees. (Also, Hillary said that Muslims had been part of America since its founding.)

What Muslim was here with George Washington? FACT CHECKERS?! #debate

— VDARE (@vdare) October 10, 2016

Most of the refugees flooding Europe are young men, NOT women and children that Hillary claims. #Debate

— VDARE (@vdare) October 10, 2016

It is more efficient to help the needy in their homeland than to bring them here. Hillary just wants the vote. #Debate

— VDARE (@vdare) October 10, 2016

To the extent that we need to help refugees, it should be done where they are. #Debate

— VDARE (@vdare) October 10, 2016

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