A large fraction of sports comedy movies down through history feature “ringers” — bringing in ineligible players to win unethically. Hiring ringers goes back at least as far as the Marx Brothers’ 1932 talkie (and, boy, is it talkie) Horse Feathers:
The film revolves around college football and a game between the fictional Darwin and Huxley Colleges. Many of the jokes about the amateur status of collegiate football players and how eligibility rules are stretched by collegiate athletic departments remain remarkably current. Groucho plays Quincy Adams Wagstaff, the new president of Huxley College, and Zeppo is his son Frank, who convinces his father to recruit professional football players to help Huxley’s team. … Through a series of misunderstandings, Baravelli (Chico) and Pinky (Harpo) are recruited to play on Huxley’s football team; this requires them to enroll as students at Huxley, which creates chaos throughout the school.
This is of course quite similar to today’s Democratic Party’s long-term electoral strategy: bring in immigrant ringers to win the big election, no matter how much chaos they may create.
The two main differences between the last 83 years of sports comedies about ringers and the Democrats’ plan to demographically drown the Republican Party by hauling in ringer voters are:
First, the ringer strategy in movies usually involves quality rather than quantity, such as trying to sneak onto your Little League team a single 27-year-old Dominican:
Second, when the Marx Brothers or Craig Kilborn try to slide some ringers past the opposition, they are at least a little furtive about it. In contrast, the Democrats boast endlessly about how their cheating proves they are morally superior to their victims.