The Enemies Of 2000-Era Christian Fundamentalists Have Been Cancelled
A friend writes:
Imagine telling yourself, Steve, that the Harry Potter books will one day suffer a hysterical, almost violent boycott…but not because it is witchy and Christians are finally too mad, but because the author of the book doesn’t bend over backwards to appease transvestites
Now imagine telling yourself in the year 2000 that liberals will eventually condemn and un-person Marilyn Manson for being evil… but not for, you know, being Marilyn Manson, but for grooming his 25-year-old girl friend almost two decades later.
Imagine learning in 2000 that Bill Clinton would finally be unable to do public interviews… but only because the press tried to get Republican President Donald J Trump impeached for sexual harassment, and they opened up a can of worms that eventually extended the statute of limitations on rape accusations, which scared Clinton.
The Republican’s culture villains of the year 2000 would eventually be taken down by the liberal media but for reasons no right-winger would’ve predicted then.