
The Family Dynamics Of Democrat Annoyance With The White Working Class

Steve Sailer


A friend writes:

White Americans, and specifically the white working class, are to the Democratic Party the now embarrassing and superfluous children from a previous marriage. The one they had with the “starter wife.” The marriage from before they had made it and had to make cringe compromises.

Immigrants and POC are the children they’re proud to have now with their second wife. They represent the future and the true genealogical line they tend to like a garden. They are to be spoiled and they have anxiety that they get into the best schools and live up to their potential.

Or maybe Democrats see the white working class as their ex-stepchildren that their ex-wife brought from a previous marriage. But to perfect the analogy, we’d have to figure out a way the ex-stepchildren have to send financial support to the new children.

A lot of the Democratic Party’s ill feelings towards the white working class is resentment, of having had to have put up with them in some sort of vague Marxist worship of the working classes. But ill will is also out of a sense of guilt. They need to hate the white working class out of guilt for replacing them in their coalition.

“The most effective way to silence our guilty conscience is to convince ourselves and others that those we have sinned against are indeed depraved creatures, deserving every punishment, even extermination. We cannot pity those we have wronged, nor can we be indifferent toward them. We must hate and persecute them or else leave the door open to self-contempt.” — Eric Hoffer, The True Believer

[Comment at Unz.com]

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