The First Lady And The Illegal
Michelle Obama is doing a tour with Margarita Zavala, First Lady of Mexico, and went to a Silver Spring school where they could expect to encounter both Mexican and American children — being educated by the American taxpayer. This is from Jake Tapper’s blog:
Immigration Hits Home for Young Girl and First Lady Michelle Obama May 19, 2010 12:51 PMABC News' Karen Travers reports: During First Lady Michelle Obama’s visit to an elementary school in Silver Spring, Md., Wednesday, a second grade female student brought up immigration reform in a very personal way.
The student shyly raised her hand and said, "My mom … she says that Barack Obama is taking everybody away that doesn’t have papers."
Mrs. Obama replied:"Yeah, well that’s something that we have to work on, right? To make sure that people can be here with the right kind of papers, right? That’s exactly right."
The girl then said quietly, "But my mom doesn’t have any … " and trailed off.
Mrs. Obama replied: "Well, we have to work on that. We have to fix that, and everybody’s got to work together in Congress to make sure that happens. That’s right."
The exchange came during a visit with Mexico’s First Lady Margarita Zavala to the New Hampshire Estates Elementary School in Silver Spring, Md.
- Karen Travers
You can see the problem — when you're talking to an eight-year-old, and she tells you her mommy’s illegal, you don’t quite know what to say. Michelle, of course promised the kid that they'd make sure that everyone who was illegal would have papers, (amnesty )and said that " everybody’s got to work together in Congress" to make that happen. Well, not everybody wants to — another post on the same page says President Obama: I Can’t Push Immigration Reform Without Some Republican Help.
And he can’t — even if he had all the votes, he'd get all the blame.