The Five Billion Plus

Steve Sailer


During the depths of the recent recession, it was common to hear from Establishment mouthpieces that the “undocumented worker” problem was a thing of the past because there was net zero migration from and to Mexico. So problem solved! Time for amnesty immigration reform. After all, nobody would ever come here from any country other than Mexico, right?

But back in 2005 I had calculated for that 4,976,000,000 people live in countries with lower average per capita GDPs than Mexico (using CIA World Factbook data).

Nine years later, it’s worth updating that statistic: the number of people in countries poorer than Mexico has risen to 5,762,000,000.

In the Western Hemisphere alone, 417,000,000 people live in countries poorer on average than Mexico.

Below are all countries ranked by GDP per capita with populations:

GPD/capita Population Sum
Congo, Democratic Republic $400 77,433,744 77,433,744
Burundi $600 10,395,931 87,829,675
Somalia $600 10,428,043 98,257,718
Zimbabwe $600 13,771,721 112,029,439
Central African Republic $700 5,277,959 117,307,398
Liberia $700 4,092,310 121,399,708
Niger $800 17,466,172 138,865,880
Malawi $900 17,377,468 156,243,348
Madagascar $1,000 23,201,926 179,445,274
Tokelau $1,000 1,337 179,446,611
Afghanistan $1,100 31,822,848 211,269,459
Guinea $1,100 11,474,383 222,743,842
Mali $1,100 16,455,903 239,199,745
Togo $1,100 7,351,374 246,551,119
Eritrea $1,200 6,380,803 252,931,922
Guinea-Bissau $1,200 1,693,398 254,625,320
Mozambique $1,200 24,692,144 279,317,464
Comoros $1,300 766,865 280,084,329
Ethiopia $1,300 96,633,458 376,717,787
Haiti $1,300 9,996,731 386,714,518
Sierra Leone $1,400 5,743,725 392,458,243
South Sudan $1,400 11,562,695 404,020,938
Burkina Faso $1,500 18,365,123 422,386,061
Nepal $1,500 30,986,975 453,373,036
Rwanda $1,500 12,337,138 465,710,174
Uganda $1,500 35,918,915 501,629,089
Benin $1,600 10,160,556 511,789,645
Burma $1,700 55,746,253 567,535,898
Tanzania $1,700 49,639,138 617,175,036
Cote d’Ivoire $1,800 22,848,945 640,023,981
Kenya $1,800 45,010,056 685,034,037
Korea, North $1,800 24,851,627 709,885,664
Zambia $1,800 14,638,505 724,524,169
Gambia, The $2,000 1,925,527 726,449,696
Bangladesh $2,100 166,280,712 892,730,408
Senegal $2,100 13,635,927 906,366,335
Lesotho $2,200 1,942,008 908,308,343
Mauritania $2,200 3,516,806 911,825,149
Sao Tome and Principe $2,200 190,428 912,015,577
Tajikistan $2,300 8,051,512 920,067,089
Cameroon $2,400 23,130,708 943,197,797
Chad $2,500 11,412,107 954,609,904
Kyrgyzstan $2,500 5,604,212 960,214,116
Western Sahara $2,500 554,795 960,768,911
Yemen $2,500 26,052,966 986,821,877
Cambodia $2,600 15,458,332 1,002,280,209
Sudan $2,600 35,482,233 1,037,762,442
Djibouti $2,700 810,179 1,038,572,621
Nigeria $2,800 177,155,754 1,215,728,375
Papua New Guinea $2,900 6,552,730 1,222,281,105
West Bank $2,900 2,731,052 1,225,012,157
Laos $3,100 6,803,699 1,231,815,856
Pakistan $3,100 196,174,380 1,427,990,236
Solomon Islands $3,400 609,883 1,428,600,119
Ghana $3,500 25,758,108 1,454,358,227
Tuvalu $3,500 10,782 1,454,369,009
Moldova $3,800 3,583,288 1,457,952,297
Uzbekistan $3,800 28,929,716 1,486,882,013
Wallis and Futuna $3,800 15,561 1,486,897,574
India $4,000 1,236,344,631 2,723,242,205
Vietnam $4,000 93,421,835 2,816,664,040
Cabo Verde $4,400 538,535 2,817,202,575
Nicaragua $4,500 5,848,641 2,823,051,216
Philippines $4,700 107,668,231 2,930,719,447
Congo, Republic of the $4,800 4,662,446 2,935,381,893
Honduras $4,800 8,598,561 2,943,980,454
Vanuatu $4,800 266,937 2,944,247,391
Fiji $4,900 903,207 2,945,150,598
Nauru $5,000 9,488 2,945,160,086
Syria $5,100 17,951,639 2,963,111,725
Indonesia $5,200 253,609,643 3,216,721,368
Guatemala $5,300 14,647,083 3,231,368,451
Bolivia $5,500 10,631,486 3,241,999,937
Morocco $5,500 32,987,206 3,274,987,143
Swaziland $5,700 1,419,623 3,276,406,766
Niue $5,800 1,190 3,276,407,956
Mongolia $5,900 2,953,190 3,279,361,146
Georgia $6,100 4,935,880 3,284,297,026
Jordan $6,100 7,930,491 3,292,227,517
Samoa $6,200 196,628 3,292,424,145
Angola $6,300 19,088,106 3,311,512,251
Armenia $6,300 3,060,631 3,314,572,882
Kiribati $6,400 104,488 3,314,677,370
Sri Lanka $6,500 21,866,445 3,336,543,815
Egypt $6,600 86,895,099 3,423,438,914
Paraguay $6,800 6,703,860 3,430,142,774
Bhutan $7,000 733,643 3,430,876,417
Iraq $7,100 32,585,692 3,463,462,109
Micronesia, Federated States of $7,300 105,681 3,463,567,790
Ukraine $7,400 44,291,413 3,507,859,203
Algeria $7,500 38,813,722 3,546,672,925
El Salvador $7,500 6,125,512 3,552,798,437
Kosovo $7,600 1,859,203 3,554,657,640
Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha $7,800 7,776 3,554,665,416
American Samoa $8,000 54,517 3,554,719,933
Namibia $8,200 2,198,406 3,556,918,339
Tonga $8,200 106,440 3,557,024,779
Bosnia and Herzegovina $8,300 3,871,643 3,560,896,422
Guyana $8,500 735,554 3,561,631,976
Montserrat $8,500 5,215 3,561,637,191
Marshall Islands $8,700 70,983 3,561,708,174
Belize $8,800 340,844 3,562,049,018
Jamaica $9,000 2,930,050 3,564,979,068
Cook Islands $9,100 10,134 3,564,989,202
Maldives $9,100 393,595 3,565,382,797
Dominican Republic $9,700 10,349,741 3,575,732,538
Turkmenistan $9,700 5,171,943 3,580,904,481
China $9,800 1,355,692,576 4,936,597,057
Thailand $9,900 67,741,401 5,004,338,458
Tunisia $9,900 10,937,521 5,015,275,979
Cuba $10,200 11,047,251 5,026,323,230
Palau $10,500 21,186 5,026,344,416
Ecuador $10,600 15,654,411 5,041,998,827
Albania $10,700 3,020,209 5,045,019,036
Azerbaijan $10,800 9,686,210 5,054,705,246
Macedonia $10,800 2,091,719 5,056,796,965
Colombia $11,100 46,245,297 5,103,042,262
Peru $11,100 30,147,935 5,133,190,197
Serbia $11,100 7,209,764 5,140,399,961
Libya $11,300 6,244,174 5,146,644,135
South Africa $11,500 48,375,645 5,195,019,780
Montenegro $11,900 650,036 5,195,669,816
Brazil $12,100 202,656,788 5,398,326,604
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines $12,100 102,918 5,398,429,522
Anguilla $12,200 16,086 5,398,445,608
Iran $12,800 80,840,713 5,479,286,321
Costa Rica $12,900 4,755,234 5,484,041,555
Suriname $12,900 573,311 5,484,614,866
Saint Lucia $13,100 163,362 5,484,778,228
Northern Mariana Islands $13,600 51,483 5,484,829,711
Venezuela $13,600 28,868,486 5,513,698,197
Grenada $13,800 110,152 5,513,808,349
Kazakhstan $14,100 17,948,816 5,531,757,165
Dominica $14,300 73,449 5,531,830,614
Bulgaria $14,400 6,924,716 5,538,755,330
Romania $14,400 21,729,871 5,560,485,201
Virgin Islands $14,500 104,170 5,560,589,371
Curacao $15,000 146,836 5,560,736,207
Turkey $15,300 81,619,392 5,642,355,599
Sint Maarten $15,400 39,689 5,642,395,288
Mexico $15,600 120,286,655 5,762,681,943
Lebanon $15,800 5,882,562 5,768,564,505
Belarus $16,100 9,608,058 5,778,172,563
Mauritius $16,100 1,331,155 5,779,503,718
Puerto Rico $16,300 3,620,897 5,783,124,615
Saint Kitts and Nevis $16,300 51,538 5,783,176,153
Botswana $16,400 2,155,784 5,785,331,937
Panama $16,500 3,608,431 5,788,940,368
Uruguay $16,600 3,332,972 5,792,273,340
Malaysia $17,500 30,073,353 5,822,346,693
Croatia $17,800 4,470,534 5,826,817,227
Russia $18,100 142,470,272 5,969,287,499
Antigua and Barbuda $18,400 91,295 5,969,378,794
Argentina $18,600 43,024,374 6,012,403,168
Chile $19,100 17,363,894 6,029,767,062
Latvia $19,100 2,165,165 6,031,932,227
Gabon $19,200 1,672,597 6,033,604,824
Hungary $19,800 9,919,128 6,043,523,952
Trinidad and Tobago $20,300 1,223,916 6,044,747,868
Poland $21,100 38,346,279 6,083,094,147
Timor-Leste $21,400 1,201,542 6,084,295,689
French Polynesia $22,000 280,026 6,084,575,715
Estonia $22,400 1,257,921 6,085,833,636
Lithuania $22,600 3,505,738 6,089,339,374
Portugal $22,900 10,813,834 6,100,153,208
Greece $23,600 10,775,557 6,110,928,765
Cyprus $24,500 1,172,458 6,112,101,223
Slovakia $24,700 5,443,583 6,117,544,806
Barbados $25,100 289,680 6,117,834,486
Aruba $25,300 110,663 6,117,945,149
Equatorial Guinea $25,700 722,254 6,118,667,403
Seychelles $25,900 91,650 6,118,759,053
Czech Republic $26,300 10,627,448 6,129,386,501
Slovenia $27,400 1,988,292 6,131,374,793
Guam $28,700 161,001 6,131,535,794
Turks and Caicos Islands $29,100 49,070 6,131,584,864
Malta $29,200 412,655 6,131,997,519
Italy $29,600 61,680,122 6,193,677,641
Bahrain $29,800 1,314,089 6,194,991,730
Oman $29,800 3,219,775 6,198,211,505
United Arab Emirates $29,900 5,628,805 6,203,840,310
Spain $30,100 47,737,941 6,251,578,251
New Zealand $30,400 4,401,916 6,255,980,167
Faroe Islands $30,500 49,947 6,256,030,114
Saudi Arabia $31,300 27,345,986 6,283,376,100
Bahamas, The $32,000 321,834 6,283,697,934
Korea, South $33,200 49,039,986 6,332,737,920
Saint Pierre and Miquelon $34,900 5,716 6,332,743,636
France $35,700 66,259,012 6,399,002,648
Finland $35,900 5,268,799 6,404,271,447
Israel $36,200 7,821,850 6,412,093,297
Japan $37,100 127,103,388 6,539,196,685
Andorra $37,200 85,458 6,539,282,143
United Kingdom $37,300 63,742,977 6,603,025,120
New Caledonia $37,700 267,840 6,603,292,960
Belgium $37,800 10,449,361 6,613,742,321
Denmark $37,800 5,569,077 6,619,311,398
Greenland $38,400 57,728 6,619,369,126
Germany $39,500 80,996,685 6,700,365,811
Taiwan $39,600 23,359,928 6,723,725,739
Iceland $40,700 317,351 6,724,043,090
Sweden $40,900 9,723,809 6,733,766,899
Ireland $41,300 4,832,765 6,738,599,664
Kuwait $42,100 2,742,711 6,741,342,375
British Virgin Islands $42,300 32,680 6,741,375,055
Austria $42,600 8,223,062 6,749,598,117
Australia $43,000 22,507,617 6,772,105,734
Gibraltar $43,000 29,185 6,772,134,919
Canada $43,100 34,834,841 6,806,969,760
Netherlands $43,300 16,877,351 6,823,847,111
Cayman Islands $43,800 54,914 6,823,902,025
Guernsey $44,600 65,849 6,823,967,874
Hong Kong $52,700 7,112,688 6,831,080,562
United States $52,800 318,892,103 7,149,972,665
Isle of Man $53,800 86,866 7,150,059,531
Brunei $54,800 422,675 7,150,482,206
Switzerland $54,800 8,061,516 7,158,543,722
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) $55,400 2,840 7,158,546,562
Norway $55,400 5,147,792 7,163,694,354
Jersey $57,000 96,513 7,163,790,867
Singapore $62,400 5,567,301 7,169,358,168
Luxembourg $77,900 520,672 7,169,878,840
Monaco $85,500 30,508 7,169,909,348
Bermuda $86,000 69,839 7,169,979,187
Macau $88,700 587,914 7,170,567,101
Liechtenstein $89,400 37,313 7,170,604,414
Qatar $102,100 2,123,160 7,172,727,574

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