The Gingrich Who Didn’t Steal Christmas
Because of his name,
Gingrich has been subjected to Grinch jokes since the publication of the original Dr. Seuss book. He got a lot more as Speaker of the House, because the Democratic press corps believes that anyone who doesn’t want to fully fund illegitimate children, with full scholarships for their mothers, and midnight basketball for their fathers, must have a heart "three sizes too small."
In fact, I would prefer a Newt who was less compassionate towards illegals.
However, he is not in fact opposed to actual Christmas: From last night’s debate:
"Newt Gingrich: Well, first of all, let me just say to you and to all of our viewers, Merry Christmas. This is a great time for us to be here. And I hope that everybody across the country has a very joyous Christmas season."
While I’m never going to be in favor of Newt, I couldn’t help feeling a pang of gratitude for this.
I don’t think Michael Scherer of Time was quite as happy:
"The debate begins with a segment that should be called: Why Do You Suck So Bad? (WDYSSB?) Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich gets the first question, about how lots of Republicans don’t think he is electable against Obama. “Well, first of all, let me just say to you and to all of our viewers, Merry Christmas,” Gingrich responds, mentioning a holiday that won’t happen for 10 days. Then Gingrich starts in with the history lesson. He mentions Herbert Hoover’s 1932 defeat, Ronald Reagan’s 1980 success and mistakes Bill Clinton for Jimmy Carter. But let’s not kid ourselves. All anyone will remember is, “I hope that everybody across the country has a very joyous Christmas season.
What You Missed While Not Watching the Final Iowa Debate,By Michael Scherer | @michaelscherer,, December 16, 2011