The ICE Director Debacle: An Update On Julie Myers
Many of our readers have requested an update on the Julie Myers — the unqualified Bush crony nominated to head the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency within the Department of Homeland Security. A loyal reader was most gracious to provide me the following information:
The Senate Judiciary Committee has been reviewing her nomination on sequential referral. (This type of referral is one that allows the nomination to be reviewed simultaneously in multiple committees. The Myers nomination also has a 30-day time constraint.)
In a nutshell, the Judiciary Committee must finish its consideration within 30 days or the nomination will be sent (automatically) to the next body in sequence as stated in the original referral. For this particular nomination, the next body is the full Senate floor.
The time constraint expired yesterday so the Julie Myers nomination is on its way to the Senate floor. As of today, the floor vote has not been scheduled but I will update you as soon as information is available.