The Kvetcher has a Good Idea

Patrick Cleburne


The Kvetcher has resurfaced. Apparently he had not heard of David Gelbaum’s debauching and disreputable purchase of the Sierra Club before: Brenda Walker’s Understandable Concern September 21, 2009.

my favorite environmental immigration restrictionist advocate, Brenda Walker. … has some very disturbing news. About a Jewish donor who is preempting rational policy advocacy based on sentimentalism:

The Sierra Club once had integrity–back in 1989 when the official position was “Immigration to the U.S. should be no greater than that which will permit achievement of population stabilization in the U.S”. Then the Club got that big pile of cash…for which donor Gelbaum required censorship on the issue. He confirmed to a reporter:

””I did tell Carl Pope in 1994 or 1995 that if they ever came out anti-immigration, they would never get a dollar from me…’ “Gelbaum, who reads the Spanish-language newspaper La Opinion and is married to a Mexican American, said his views on immigration were shaped long ago by his grandfather, Abraham, a watchmaker who had come to America to escape persecution of Jews in Ukraine before World War I.. “”I cannot support an organization that is anti-immigration. It would dishonor the memory of my grandparents.’”

The Kvetcher is extremely unimpressed:

…my ancestors did not come to the U.S. in order to be perennial immigrants.

Maybe Jews who have such irrational, but warm and fuzzy feelings towards the immigration process and immigrants generally should themselves go immigrate somewhere else, if this is so crucial to their identity.

As I have remarked before: A Daniel come to judgment

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