
The Lambeth Walk back: Hate Speech story.

Patrick Cleburne


As Peter Brimelow invariably says in his fundraising appeals, VDARE.com aspires to supply our writers with a few crumbs because so many wonderful blogs flame out quite quickly. Volunteerism can only go so far against family and professional demands, and fatigue.

So I was worried when The Lambeth Walk, which has been a spectacular source of, particularly, stories about Muslim depredations in the U.K. — and Europe generally — faltered early this month. Happily, this blog is back in operation at its usual amazing pace.

Of particular interest to Americans is Crackdown on Free Speech in Britain (II). An Englishman published a leaflet arguing that Muslims are largely responsible for the heroin trade in Britain. This can certainly be argued. As a result he

appeared before Preston magistrates accused of distributing the pamphlets. Mr Bamber pleaded not guilty to incitement to commit religious hatred. Colin Gibbs, prosecuting, said the leaflets were distributed across North Yorkshire, Cumbria and Lancashire. He said: "Mr Bamber was the writer and printer of these leaflets, which sent out his ideology that all Muslims should be held to account for the heroin trade. "They were threatening and intended to stir up religious hatred…

The Lambeth Walk relieves his feelings by adding this story to his comment:

Two men described as being "at the top of an evil pyramid" of drug dealers who tortured their runners to make sure they obeyed, have been jailed. Jamil Hussain, 35, and Mobeen Ahmed, 26, both of Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, admitted wounding and conspiracy to supply Class A drugs.

No one in this country should be under any illusion: the architects of the American Hate Crime legislation will not rest until they have achieved in America the shameful and disgraceful situation which has been engineered in Britain and elsewhere.

The Rev. Ted Pike’s latest thoughts on this battle are here.

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