The Late Obama Age Collapse Continues in Baltimore
From Fox News:
Baltimore tops 100 homicides so far in 2017The causal relationship between the Black Lives Matter movement and the 29% rise in homicides between 2014 and 2016 in the 30 biggest cities is one of the most prima facie obvious things I’ve seen in 45 years of following social statistics.Published April 25, 2017 Fox News
The city of Baltimore has suffered more than 100 homicides before the end of April for the first time in nearly 20 years.
… As police were discussing that shooting in the afternoon, another man was shot dead in East Baltimore in the same area as a new senior citizen center that was rebuilt after burning while under construction during riots that hit the city two years ago, the Sun reported. That shooting pushed the total number of homicides in the city for 2017 to 101. …
Baltimore has not seen 100 homicides before the end of April since 1998. The violence in Baltimore began to spike in the spring of 2015, following riots prompted by the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray.