The Megaphone Doubles Down On The Ferguson Narrative
While I was writing my new Taki’s Magazine column on Ferguson across Monday night and Tuesday morning, the sense was palpable that the dominant media had taken a humiliating double blow in a battle of their own choosing:
- The grand jury’s finding after months of careful research contradicted the Narrative promulgated in August and tenaciously held to ever since despite the piling up of evidence.
- The looting and arson by “protesters” in Ferguson was disgusting.
But, as Stalin liked to say, quantity has a quality all its own. Since then, the MSM has doubled down about how you can’t believe your lying eyes. To tell others journalists what the party line should be, the NYT Editorial Board has editorialized:
The Meaning of the Ferguson RiotsBy THE EDITORIAL BOARD NOV. 25, 2014
Here’s the picture the NYT editorial board chose to illustrate their editorial:
The implications are that the Good People, the True Believers will be able to rise above what their lying eyes see in this photo and understand the gnostic truth:
The St. Louis County grand jury’s decision not to indict the white police officer who in August shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, would have generated widespread anger and disappointment in any case. But the county prosecutor, Robert McCulloch, who is widely viewed in the minority community as being in the pockets of the police, made matters infinitely worse by handling this sensitive investigation in the worst possible way.First, he refused to step aside in favor of a special prosecutor who could have been appointed by Gov. Jay Nixon of Missouri. He further undermined public confidence by taking a highly unorthodox approach to the grand jury proceeding. Instead of conducting an investigation and then presenting the case and a recommendation of charges to the grand jury, his office shifted its job to the grand jury. It made no recommendation on whether to indict the officer, Darren Wilson, but left it to the jurors to wade through masses of evidence to determine whether there was probable cause to file charges against Officer Wilson for Mr. Brown’s killing.
I thought you were complaining that the Democratic prosecutor didn’t step aside altogether, and now you are complaining that he stepped aside partly.
Under ordinary circumstances, grand jury hearings can be concluded within days. The proceeding in this case lasted an astonishing three months.
A complete failure of the Rush to Judgment process!
… For the black community of Ferguson, the killing of Michael Brown was the last straw in a long train of abuses that they have suffered daily at the hands of the local police.
What percentage of the looters and arsonists are residents of Ferguson? Until America’s power elite decided to destroy what had been a modestly encouraging example of blacks and whites getting along together over the decades. The black residents of Ferguson were, on the whole, content with their government, as a long line of elections demonstrated. After all, they wouldn’t have moved to Ferguson, often from black ruled municipalities like East St. Louis, if the place was so intolerable. And if it was so bad once they were there, they would have bothered to vote.
But since the whole point of the exercise was to rile up black turnout for this month’s midterm elections, the national leadership set about destroying the property values of black and white homeowners in Ferguson.
News accounts have strongly suggested, for example, that the police in St. Louis County’s many municipalities systematically target poor and minority citizens for street and traffic stops — partly to generate fines — which has the effect of both bankrupting and criminalizing whole communities.
Speed traps as justification for riot and mayhem!
In this context, the police are justifiably seen as an alien, occupying force that is synonymous with state-sponsored abuse.The case resonated across the country — in New York City, Chicago and Oakland
Oakland — the moral leader of the world
When you own the Megaphone, the most important thing is to keep talking, no matter how temporarily depressed you might be by how you’ve managed to embarrass yourself yet again with your previous talk talk. It’s like in Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron: whatever you do, don’t stop yapping and let your victim have a chance to think for himself.