The Napolitano/Bours/Quinn Junket to Mexico City

Allan Wall


The U.S. Constitution, in Article I, Section 10, stipulates that "No state shall … enter into any agreement or compact … with a foreign power", but that doesn’t stop border governors from dealing directly with Mexico.

Mexico and the U.S. are becoming more enmeshed politically all the time. While Mexican congressmen are in Washington to negotiate U.S. immigration policy., Governor Janet Napolitano of Arizona is heading to Mexico to meet with Mexican leaders. [Napolitano off to Mexico City as Ariz. booster Arizona Republic Chris Hawley and Matthew Benson, Feb. 8th, 2007]

Among the delegation accompanying the Arizona governor to Mexico City is the governor of a neighboring state, Eduardo Bours, governor of Sonora (that’s in Mexico).

According to the Arizona Republic , Governor Napolitano will meet with President Calderon among others, and that

"[Mexican]Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa will also compare notes with the governor on efforts to push U.S. immigration reform in Washington. "

Another member of the Napolitano delegation is Pat Quinn, president of the Arizona branch of telecom giant Qwest. Quinn says that "In these days of the communications world borders have disappeared."

But Quinn may have ulterior motives in encouraging a borderless world, as the Arizona Republic reports,

"Qwest has been trying to get Latinos in the United States to sign up for its international calling plan and a Spanish-language television package, both launched last year. "

The Napolitano/Quinn/Bours junket is a prime example of the transnational Big Government/Big Business agenda that drives open borders.

Email Mr. Quinn here and tell him if you agree that "borders have disappeared," and if you think that’s a good idea or not.

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