The Real Life Haven Monahan’s Role in the Blasey Ford Story
After the ignominious collapse of the Rolling Stone “Rape on Campus” hate hoax, there was a long search by the respectable media for a real life Haven Monahan to be the Great White Defendant. Finally, one arrived. From the Washington Post in 2016:
Bring it on — the brilliant smile of a Stanford swimmer with Olympic dreams, the happy privileged face of a white college kid named Brock Turner. Another picture of him smiling, please.
Because this is what a campus sexual predator looks like. And that’s the truth too many people refuse to acknowledge. It’s the most difficult part of the campus rape culture destroying the lives of so many young women: acknowledging who their rapists are.
I realize Petula Dvorak sounds like a fake ultra-white name like Titania McGrath, but she is for real.
You probably won’t be immensely surprised to learn that Christine Blasey Ford was about as worked up as Petula Dvorak over Brock Turner. From PBS:
It was shortly after Stanford University student Brock Turner was sentenced for felony sexual assault after raping an unconscious woman on campus.
“Christine expressed anger at Mr. Turner’s lenient sentence, stating that she was particularly bothered by it because she was assaulted in high school by a man who was now a federal judge in Washington, D.C.,” Koegler wrote.
I recently graphed just how much coverage Brock Turner (black line) received in The New York Times relative to three other malefactors: Haven Monahan (barely existent blue line), the Charlottesville driver (red line), and the AntiFa Bike Lock Philosopher (flat yellow line):