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No one knows who won the election. Accusations of fraud are abundant despite the Main Stream Media’s attempts to suppress. Shouldn’t there be some kind of commission to investigate? Well, there was! So what happened?
Find out here!
The Rise And Fall Of Trump’s Voter Integrity Commission
Steve Sailer ponders:
"The New York Times Opinion section explains that vote fraud is practically impossible because it would require a large number of people working together to win elections with machine-like coordination: a "political machine" if you can imagine such a thing."
— Steve Sailer, NYT: Vote Fraud Would Require Many Politicos Working Together Like a Machine: a 'Political Machine,' if You Can Imagine Such a Concept
But there’s more:
Virginia (Dare), There WERE Shy Trump Voters. And Polls On BLM Etc. Are Even Worse
THE SACRED FURY Sale — Extended!
Patrick J. Buchanan: Will The State Of Georgia Halt The Radicals' Revolution?
Do Third World Countries Take As Long To Count Votes As The US?