The Ron Smith Show: Fallout and Ron’s Response

Nicholas Stix


On Wednesday, I was honored to speak with Ron Smith on his WBAL Baltimore radio talk show about the Winchester Atrocity and the SPLC, both of which he had discussed in his Baltimore Sun column that day.

Smith had read my two columns on the robbery-torture-murder of interracial newlyweds, Marine Sgt. Jan Pawel Pietrzak, 24, and Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak, 26, whom the killers had also gang-raped (see my November 11 and November 24 articles).

VDARE’s Patrick Cleburne was kind enough to blog about the show on Friday.

Smith received mostly supportive letters from around the world, yet the four letters that the Sun published, and which were also simultaneously published by its sister newspapers, the Chicago Tribune, Long Island Newsday, and the Hampton Roads, VA Daily Press were all from hostiles, two of whom — “our old friend, Mark Potok, and Peter McCullough, a name new to me — “work for the SPLC.

(All of the aforementioned daily newspapers are owned by the Tribune Company.) I have not been in touch with Smith since appearing on his show, but I urge you to read his December 3 column, if you haven’t already, and if you agree with it, to send a letter to the editor, saying as much. The Baltimore Sun’s letter guidelines appear below.

To Our Readers: The Sun welcomes letters from readers. All letters become the property of The Sun, which reserves the right to edit them. Letters should include your name and address, along with day and evening telephone numbers. E-mail us: ; write us: Letters to the Editor, The Sun, P.O. Box 1377, Baltimore 21278-0001; fax us: 410-332-6977

And when you do write to the Sun praising Smith, please cc him a copy, just in case the letters editor continues to "forget" to run any of the pro-Smith letters. Smith then discussed the brouhaha on his WBAL Web page, which contains audio links to his December 3 show, including his intro, our conversation, and callers he conversed with during the show. Please support VDARE. Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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