The Supreme Court, Quotas, and Romney
Richard Sander and Stuart Taylor op-edize in the Washington Post on the upcoming Fisher affirmative action case that will be argued before the Supreme Court on October 10. They did an analysis of U. of Michigan admissions after Sandra Day O'Connor’s 2003 ruling that, in effect, racial quotas were A-OK as long as you lie hard enough about what you are doing:
But our analysis of its 2006 admissions patterns found that racial preferences were clearly much larger than before Grutter, and race was more often the “defining feature” of an application. If we compare Asian and black students with similar test scores and grades, for example, blacks had a 96 percent chance of admission in 2006, compared with 11 percent for Asians. The college used more racial categories in evaluating applicants after Grutter and paid less attention to socioeconomic background.
I sure don’t notice Romney talking much about the Supreme Court, and especially not about Supreme Court nominations' relevance to race preference cases.
I’m sure he and his highly paid advisers know best.
Back to affirmative action in colleges: a big question is whether the rise of Asians might begin to drive whites toward favoring affirmative action as beneficial to themselves.