The Teeming Masses: Affluent White Families In Manhattan

Steve Sailer


If you've ever been to Chinatown in lower Manhattan, you'll recall the unbelievable population density, which might be the highest in the U.S. Yet, there is a new set of teeming masses arriving in neighborhoods near Chinatown in such numbers that the newcomers' children have filled all the other local schools and are now being assigned to the less densely packed elementary school in Chinatown: namely, affluent white families.

From the Tribeca Trib in downtown Manhattan:

Waitlisted Tribeca Parents Angry over Chinatown School Assignment
More than two dozen Tribeca parents were shocked to learn last week that their children likely won’t be going to kindergarten in the neighborhood. Parents of the 28 children on the wait list for P.S. 234 received letters telling them that their kindergartners will instead be offered seats in Chinatown’s P.S. 130, at Baxter and Hester streets, just north of Canal Street.
"We're very concerned," said Marc Siden, whose daughter, Riley, received wating list number 34 in the lottery for admission in September. "We got blindsided by this and we don’t have a lot of time to make a decision. We don’t know enough about this school. It came out of left field." …
"We're just so disappointed," she said. "We didn’t pursue private schools or gifted and talented programs because it’s very important to us to go to a school in the neighborhood."

Some desperate Tribeca parents have even talked of renting apartments east of Broadway to qualify their children for the Spruce Street school.

According to the website, 89 percent of the students at P.S. 130 are Asian-Americans, 5 percent are of Hispanic heritage, 3 percent are white and 2 percent are African American. Like P.S. 234, it is academically one of the highest ranked schools in the city.

If you ever wonder why NYC and DC elites don’t take immigration seriously, you have to realize that from their personal perspective, the big demographic trend is the ever increasing number of white people with J.D./M.B.A. dual degrees who are crowding into their neighborhoods and forcing their kids to go to school in less fast-growing neighborhoods, like Chinatown.

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