The Tweets of Jonah Goldberg, Lapdog Conservative
Here are the tweets of Jonah Goldberg, on the subject of the attacks on his NRO colleague, John Derbyshire, in which Derb wrote a column about race for Takimag, and people are calling for him to be fired. The pictures, except for the retweet of Ramesh Ponnuru’s tweet, are of Jonah’s actual dog, Cosmo, who is adorable. But he’s supposed to be a lapdog. Tweets are in reverse chronological order:
Jonah Goldberg ? @JonahNRO
I’m going back to Passover. You can yell at me for an article I denounced, written for a crappy publication I don’t work for, tomorrow.
Jonah Goldberg ? @JonahNRO
"Derb’s screed" by @RichLowry
"Screed", of course, is liberal hate-word. Derbyshire called Lowry out on that before, when Tom Tancredo was the target.
Jonah Goldberg ? @JonahNRO
@ConArtCritic I think you want to fight with a strawman here.
Jonah Goldberg ? @JonahNRO
@ConArtCritic it matters insofar as the person I replied to said it was published on NRO. No one at NR saw it beforehand. That was my point.
Jonah Goldberg ? @JonahNRO
@hswindell his piece wasn’t published at national review, seems lost on a lot of people.
Ramesh Ponnuru ? @RameshPonnuru
I know I don’t. RT @ObsoleteDogma Does @NRO want to be associated with someone who publishes racist trash like this?
Retweeted by Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg ? @JonahNRO
For the record, I find my colleague John Derbyshire’s piece fundamentally indefensible and offensive. I wish he hadn’t written it.
And what does Jonah get for all this rolling over and playing dead on the subject of race? He’s
NROnik, LAT/syndicated columnist, AEI Fellow & author of forthcoming The Tyranny of Cliches. Speakers Bureau:
Washington, DC ยท
Obviously, anyone with an LA Times column who does corporate speaking has to agree with received ideas on race and what’s allowed to be said, or he'll lose his job.