A reader writes
“The Journal has yet another open borders article up today, this one by John Fund. Now they're saying that enforcement won’t work because the Border Patrol is all corrupt.[JOHN FUND ON THE TRAIL Borderline Insanity, July 24, 2006, online for free.]So I did a Google: Border Patrol + corruption. These are ALL the names of corrupt BP agents that I gleaned from the first 3 pages or so of hits:
2. Juan Alvarez
4. David Duque (pronounced "dook")
7. Two brothers named Villareal Noticing a pattern?
This is not selective sampling. Verify it if you want. I couldn’t find a picture of Mr. Duque. I figured his surname was French. But a glimpse at DexOnline showed that nearly everyone in Chicago with this surname had a Spanish given name. I don’t know if VDare has done an article on this before, but I just thought I'd pass it along. “
As for Duque, it’s the Spanish word for Duke, as in Duke of Wellington, who also had some Spanish titles. Did we do anything about this? Well, there was this note, in the midst of a Michelle Malkin column:
“Meanwhile, as illegal immigration continues unabated, the White House has seen fit to award the chief of the Border Patrol, David Aguilar, a presidential ‘Meritorious Executive’ award, which comes with a cash bonus, for his outstanding performance. I kid you not. [VDARE.com note: The Customs and Border Protection website describes Chief Aguilar as a" trusted spokesperson within the Hispanic community, communicating border-crossing policies that have a profound impact on Hispanic communities along the border."] “
But Chief Aguilar isn’t corrupt here, just politically useful to his bosses. And Nicholas Stix’s column, Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also…Police Corruption, was about a Trininidadian policeman in New York. I did, however, do a piece on why English-speaking police should learn Spanish:
“And English-speaking officers may need the language skills to protect their careers. I said I’d oppose forcing detectives to learn Spanish. But city councils don’t listen to me, and eventually, detectives and patrol officers who can’t speak Spanish may find their careers dead-ending. Furthermore, if the English-speaking police can’t learn Spanish that means that their departments will become controlled by Hispanic officers, which can lead to two problems; corruption, as seen in the Mexican police force; and disloyalty, expressed in an unwillingness to, for example, round up illegals. As far as corruption is concerned, we've already seen incidences of it. The point here is that corruption is endemic to Mexico, and that therefore, more Mexican-born officers will mean more corruption. “
And it turns out I was right. In related news, in Boston, Roberto "Kiko" Pulido, Carlos A. Pizarro, and Nelson Carrasquillo, have all been arrested by the FBI on drug charges.
Which is normal, except that they're members of the Boston Police Department, so it’s also a corruption case.