The White Woman and Her Black/Hispanic Boyfriend/Attacker
James Fulford’s item about the white female prosecutor attacked by her black ex-boyfriend reminds me of what I see in courthouses on a regular basis: white women getting involved with black or Hispanic men, only to find themselves the victims of nasty physical attacks or impregnated and abandoned without financial support (never mind marriage).
No, I don’t have numbers. But it’s a definite pattern. Often, the white female in question is into drugs. She is often lower-class. She is sometimes overweight, but sometimes skinny. She often has her hair pulled back tight or even put into cornrows, dresses in sweatsuits and athletic shoes, and has tattoos (though everyone seems to these days). When she speaks, she uses a sort of ghetto grunt, like a female Eminem, with "yos" and "nuh-uhs" and "I ain’t even tryin' to do that."
Here, the black attacker had been a law clerk to one Patricia Oney, a judge in Butler County, Ohio.
And I presume that female prosecutor Kelly O'Keefe did not speak with a ghetto grunt.
That demonstrates to me the power of race: behavior patterns seem to break through supposed class divisions (though it appears from the newspaper accounts that the attacker, James Terry V, was an affirmative action baby writ large.)
But how did it come to this? Was Kelly O'Keefe genuinely attracted to James Terry? Or was she heavily influenced by a popular media that glorifies the black-white pairing, and thinking what a multicultural hero she'd be by dating him? I had a white female roommate in college who I suspect relished dating a black man because it angered her father, a military man at Leavenworth. A white female attorney I worked with in New York proudly posted a picture of herself with her black boyfriend — though I had to admit that if she'd be interested in me, instead, it wouldn’t have been reciprocated, and doesn’t everyone deserve love?
Needless to say, most white fathers (and mothers) probably don’t say to their white daughters what Muhammad Ali had the guts to say in this video
Shouldn’t they, though? Would Kelly O'Keefe be in a hospital as I write if her father had said, "Sweetheart, I want what’s best for you, and more often than white men, black men can get violent. Please be careful." My guess is that some fathers have said this (only more roughly), only to drive their daughters more resolutely toward black men — daughters who can now dismiss their fathers as horrible racists.
Of course, we're supposed to view the state laws against interracial marriage as the most backward rules imaginable, racist and cold-hearted in their denial of true love. But maybe those cold-hearted bigots spared us some spilled blood.