There Are Real Nuggets Among The Online Comments

Paul Nachman


At, we aim to put salient facts about America’s immigration madness — and, more generally, The National Question — into wide circulation. The hope is that a duly-informed citizenry will, at last, stir itself to effectively force civilization-preserving action from "this country’s depraved political class."

So our product here is, ultimately, words — ideally, they're action-provoking words. But sometimes the most effective words come in short bursts, rather than set-piece articles. And over the years, I've amassed nearly 450 such "nuggets" in a Word document, items from which I occasionally quote here. Many of these nuggets come from comments added by readers to articles online.

I just stumbled upon another one, from a reader reacting to the farewell article at the Unz Review by one Gustavo Arellano, whose schtik for several years has appeared under the title ¡Ask A Mexican!. According to this valedictory article [Why the ¡Ask a Mexican! Column Has Come to an Adios, October 25, 2017] Arellano lives in Orange County, California and was brought here illegally in 1969, as a child.

In his piece, Arellano blandly refers to " … gabacho atrocities against Mexicans, like the U.S. stealing half of Mexico … "

To this, reader/commenter "The Plutonium Kid" responded, deadpan:

And by some strange coincidence, we stole the half with all the paved roads.

That’s an image to have in mind when you find yourself in a conversation about the benefits to America of importing the culture of Mexico!

Of course, there’s plenty of back-up for that nugget in writings at For example, I naturally recall a blog entry that I wrote two years ago, “Magic Dirt”: A Geographically-Precise Counterexample.

Another such article is Cultural Suicide by Christopher Manion (, July 19, 2001), whose first three paragraphs are, themselves, quite arresting:

Arguments for "legalizing" the millions of Mexicans illegally in this country abound in economic references to the "shortfall" of low-wage workers legally available. They also invoke certain mantras favorably comparing the Mexicans with the millions of Irish, Italians, Bohemians, and others who arrived legally during the immigration waves of the early twentieth century.

Both of these approaches are off the mark. They amount to "argument by assertion," and they ignore fundamental, unavoidable, and indelible realities. Putting aside the romanticism of the mythical saga of our immigrant forefathers, and the reductionist approach addressing only homo economicus, certain central elements emerge that we cannot ignore. They distinguish the Mexican immigration from its European counterparts, and put the economic arguments into proper — and uncomfortable — perspective.

Briefly stated, the legalization of this illegal alien population amounts to American cultural suicide (because it is done intentionally, rather than by accident) and a political disaster. Both of these elements deserve more than a passing glance; they deserve a depth of analysis commensurate with the gravity of their impact.

So much, right now, for Mexico and its unpaved roads. But while I’m on the subject of nuggets, Mark Steyn quoted one of his Australian readers a couple of months ago with a gem whose ultimate source is unknown:

Margaret Thatcher famously said that the problem with socialism was that you eventually run out of other people’s money. Similarly, the problem with open borders lunacy is that eventually you run out of other people’s neighbourhoods.

[When Opposite World Moves In Next Door, September 18, 2017]

Read 'em, archive 'em, and spread 'em around. Plagiarize!

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