"They Keep Coming" Update
Who says that Mexicans don’t want to relocate to the United States any more? They are coming with guns blazing, as the San Ysidro border crossing found yesterday.
TIJUANA, Mexico (Reuters) — U.S. authorities closed the world’s busiest land border crossing Tuesday after a shootout between suspected Mexican human traffickers and U.S. agents, U.S. officials said."The port is closed and will remain closed for several hours," U.S. Customs and Border Patrol spokeswoman Angelica Decima said after the incident at the congested San Ysidro crossing between the Mexican city of Tijuana and San Diego.
The suspected smugglers shot across busy lines of traffic at U.S. agents when they tried to stop three vans packed with about 70 illegal immigrants from crossing into the United States, the officials said.
The agents returned fire, and three people in the vans and a motorist were wounded, said Lauren Mack, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. [U.S. Closes Mexico Border Crossing After Shootout, Reuters, September 22, 2009]
Here’s a TV report: "Willing Workers" Attempting To CRASH / SHOOT Their Way Into The US.
In helpful timing, the Pew Research Center has polled in Mexico, and found that many Mexes still want to abandon their dirtbag country: Most Mexicans See Better Life in U.S..
Facing a variety of national problems — crime, drugs, corruption, a troubled economy — Mexicans overwhelmingly are dissatisfied with the direction of their country. With drug-related violence affecting much of Mexico, large majorities describe crime (81%) and illegal drugs (73%) as very big problems, and Mexicans overwhelmingly endorse President Felipe Calder??n’s tough stance against drug traffickers.
Interestingly, some neighborhoods in the US populated with Mexicans are plagued with drugs and crime; funny how that works. For an example, see yesterday’s huge bust in Los Angeles of the Avenues gang in which 1200 law enforcement officers participated.
Continuing with Pew …
Most believe life is better in the United States. Close to six-in-ten (57%) say that people who move from Mexico enjoy a better life in the U.S., up from 51% in 2007. And the vast majority of those who are in regular contact with friends and relatives living in the U.S. say those friends and relatives have largely achieved their goals.A substantial minority of Mexicans say that if they had the means and opportunity to go live in the U.S. they would do so, and more than half of those who would migrate if they had the chance say they would do so without authorization.
The best thing you can find in this survey is that not every single Mexican is planning to "move" here.
You can get the 45-page PDF of the full report: MOST MEXICANS SEE BETTER LIFE IN U.S. — ONE-IN-THREE WOULD MIGRATE.