Thilo Sarrazin Forced To Cancel Talk At London School Of Economics By Threats Of Rioting

James Fulford


A scheduled talk by Thilo Sarrazin at the London School of Economics has been canceled by threats of rioting:

'Jewish gene' banker’s LSE talk cancelled

The Jewish Chronicle Online

By Robyn Rosen, February 15, 2011

A lecture by a German banker who has referred to a "Jewish gene" due to be held at the London School of Economics last night was cancelled at the last minute due to security concerns.

Thilo Sarrazin was due to speak in a debate organised by the university’s German Society last night. The university stepped in to stop the event taking place on campus after anti-fascist campaigners threatened to demonstrate against the speaker.

Mr Sarrazin, 65, was forced to step down from Deutsche Bundesbank after he said: "All Jews share a particular gene" in his book Germany Does Away with Itself last year.

The event was later held at a nearby hotel.[More]

This sounds like the kind of thing that has happened to both Jared Taylor and Ann Coulter. A bunch of people threaten to riot, the venue says "We can’t protect you," the police say "We can’t protect you," and they cancel. Goodbye freedom of speech — hello, anarcho-tyranny!

This talk seems to have been threatened with both Muslim and Jewish demonstrators, as well as professional anti-fascists — three stories from Google News show that he’s getting it from all sides:

Fury as 'anti-Semitic' banker is invited to speak at LSE

Independent — Kevin Rawlinson — Feb 13, 2011

There is no doubt that a known Muslim spouting similar views would be denied entry," she said.

Anti-Muslim German Banker Sparks UK Fury — Feb 14, 2011

Demonstrations are planned outside the LSE HQ to protest Sarrazin’s appearance at the event.

Anti-fascists slam LSE’s invite to 'racist' Sarrazin

First Post — Tim Edwards — Feb 14, 2011

One of the panellists is Thilo Sarrazin, a banker and author who believes that Muslim immigrants are refusing to integrate into German society and that …

When I heard that Jewish and Muslim groups were critical and likely to protest Sarrazin, I thought "Both of them? On the same street?"

I quoted a thing by Jeremy Clarkson earlier in which he pointed out (in the context of mass immigration)that England doesn’t even allow rival football fans to sit together in the same section of the stadium for fear of rioting.

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